Parlor Submission Guidelines

We are currently reading for Issue 5 – Summer 2008. The reading period will be open until August 15, 2008.

All submissions must be previously unpublished works of poetry, prose, and drama. Please review the appropriate section below for specific submission requirements.

Author may submit a maximum of five (5) works per submission period in any combination of the following:
– up to five (5) works of poetry
– up to three (3) works of prose and drama

Please email your submission to In the subject line, please list your genre and full name. (Example: POETRY – John Doe)

Send a single Word document attachment with all your submissions in the file. All submissions must include one cover sheet with author’s name, address, telephone number, email address, title list of all submissions within the package, and which genre (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, or drama) the author wishes each piece to be considered. Aside from the cover letter, author may not include his/her name on any page of the submission. This is to ensure that each submission is blind-edited by our staff.


Poetry submissions must be visually formatted as intended for publication. Please use 12-point Times New Roman unless absolutely necessary.


(includes fiction, creative non-fiction, short-shorts, and novel excerpts)
Prose submissions must be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman. Each piece should be a maximum of 5,000 words.


(includes one-act plays, scenes from full-length plays, and screenplay excerpts)
Drama submissions should have appropriate formatting. We prefer 12-point Courier. Each piece should be a maximum of fifteen (15) pages.

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