
Non-refundable $15 entry fee must be sent with the entry. Checks should be made out to the Community Library.

Cash prize of $500.

First place winner will be published on this website.

Entries must be previously unpublished, original work, typed double spaced, and no longer than 2600 words or 10 pages. One entry per person.

Attach a separate cover sheet with title, author name, address, email, and telephone numbers.

The story itself should not bear anything but the title and page numbers.

May re-submit a non-winning entry from 2008.

Deadline for submission: May 31, 2009

The symposium reserves one-time rights to print the winner on the website.

Mail entries to Prose for Papa ATTN: Sue Bailey PO BOX 2420 Sun Valley, ID 83353
or email to proseforpapa@visitsunvalley.com