“A group of married men desperate for one last bachelor party invents a long-lost friend who’s about to be wed, but things get out of control when their wives want to meet the groom before the big event.”

Break out your scriptwriting software and get to work, because the Industry Insider Screenwriting Contest gives you the unique opportunity to spin this idea into solid spec screenplay that could be your ticket to Hollywood success.

The Industry Insider Screenwriting Contest is an International competition that facilitates relationships between new writers and Industry leaders looking to help aspirants embark on writing careers.

Here’s how it works:

  • Write up to the first 15 pages of a script based on the logline above, provided by Allan Loeb
  • The top 10 finalists receive a copy of Final Draft Screenwriting Software, Development Notes, and a letter of congratulations from Loeb
  • Each of the 10 finalists enter into a 12-week Story Specialists mentoring program, consisting of feedback for every 10 pages submitted, with the goal of completing a spec screenplay
  • Allan Loeb and Production Company Benderspink judge the completed screenplays and choose a winner

The lucky winner receives transportation and lush accommodations at the Chateau Marmont in Hollywood, a classic Industry lunch with Allan Loeb at The Ivy, a one-on-one with a top Industry Agent, a meeting with Benderspink and more.

Fees, Dates and Deadlines:

  • Contest Begins: February 1, 2011
  • Early Submission Fee (ends 2/28/11) $40
  • Standard Submission Fee: $50
  • Contest Material Deadline: March 31, 2011

Ready for your shot at the big time? Visit the Industry Insider Screenwriting Contest today to learn more and enter.