(Ventura, CA – September 19, 2012) The Ventura County Writers’ Weekend needs volunteers to help in a variety of positions for this year’s event, to be held Saturday and Sunday, November 3 & 4 at the Pleasant Valley Senior Center in Camarillo. The event is open to the public and will host two days of educational seminars.
The Pacific Institute for Professional Writing, producer of the event, is asking for the public’s support by volunteering. As a nonprofit organization, the community’s involvement welcomed and appreciated. The Ventura County Writers Club (VCWC), Ojai Writers Conference, Mystery Writers of America SoCal chapter, Independent Writers of Southern California and the Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network (SPAWN) are co-sponsors.


Volunteer positions include: ticket takers, registration desk, poster and flier distribution, and more. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer should sign up on the volunteer page of the website: www.vcwritersweekend.com/volunteers.html


To learn more about the Writers’ Weekend, visit: www.VCWritersWeekend.com/ or contact Kate Sexton, Event Coordinator, at Kate@KateSexton.com, or by calling 805-633-1506.
The Pacific Institute for Professional Writing is a California 501 (c) (3) corporation. The mission and goals of Institute are:
To bridge the unpublished with the professional community of editors, agents and publishers

To publish exceptional works of fiction and nonfiction that benefit the community
To produce quality events for the writing community and book lovers.
To inspire a curiosity for written and performance related vision
To deliver professional level education on all types of writing
To encourage all new forms of written communication
To demonstrate effective written communication
To mentor the next generation of writers
To learn more about the Institute, visit: www.PacificInstituteforProfessionalWriting.com