$10-$20 ENTRY FEE.

The Doris Betts Fiction Prize awards the first-prize winner $250

and publication in the North Carolina Literary Review.

Finalists will also be considered for publication in the NCLR.

Deadline: February 15, 2014.

The competition is open to any writer who is a legal resident of North Carolina

or a member of the North Carolina Writers’Network.

North Carolina Literary Review subscribers with North Carolina connections

(lives or has lived in NC) are also eligible.

The competition is for previously unpublished short stories up to 6,000 words.

One entry per writer. No novel excerpts.

Stories do NOT have to relate to NCLR’s annual special feature topic.

For complete guidelines, visit: http://www.ncwriters.org/index.php/competitions/3586-doris-betts-fiction-prize

Visit the website:  https://nclr.submittable.com/submit