We have no guidelines or restrictions on
writing style or content—nada, zilch, keine. As
Charlie “Bird” Parker pointed out, “There’s no
boundary line to art.” We don’t want to set any
boundaries so we use a clean, simple selection
process: if it strikes a chord with us we print it.

Payment: $10 per published piece

TO SUBMIT BY EMAIL (except contest entries):

Paste previously unpublished fiction, poetry,
essays, memoirs, short plays or other
interesting work into body of email and send to:


No attachments except JPEG images for art and
photography. Don’t send contest entries to this
email address. See box at top for contest info.


Gemini Magazine
P.O. Box 1485
Onset, MA 02558 USA

(include SASE/email address for reply)


Submission period: 365 days per year

Response time: We have a large backlog and
are making every effort to catch up. After 60
days please feel free to inquire about your
submission. We will respond to all submissions.

Rights: All rights revert to author upon
publication in Gemini Magazine.

Visit the website:  http://www.gemini-magazine.com/submit.html